A downloadable game

Auto Skills VR  

Beginner mechanics trying to learn new procedures have traditionally learned by using written manuals or by watching an experienced mechanic demonstrate the techniques needed. For many learners this is a less than ideal way to learn the sequences required before attempting the actual procedure themselves in busy, fastmoving environments.  

VR training allows for freedom from distractions as the users are totally immersed inside the headset. The theory is that the more engagement and interactivity the user experiences the quicker they pick up the skills needed.  

VR also has the advantage of teaching learners potentially dangerous tasks within a simulated environment. If a player becomes overwhelmed or makes too many mistakes, they can easily take off the headset and try again. This makes VR ideal for usage within pressurised environments such as a garage.  

Auto Skills VR is an immersive training system that capitalises on these features and trains players how to conduct motor vehicle maintenance procedures in a competitive virtual reality game. Using the latest VR technology the system will use a game based teaching method to train new and experienced mechanics how to conduct multiple procedures.

Auto Skills VR features:

  •  18 different procedures
  • Each procedure includes a learning and challenge stage
  • Progress tracking thoughout the game
  • Kinetic tool operation, Allowing the player to use tools in the same manner they would in real life
  • Competitive Leaderboards